Teachers work with their Room Reps and other parent volunteers to support classroom needs such as weekly folder, activity preparation, learning support (e.g., reading to/with children or helping with fluency or comprehension skills), and field trip chaperones. One of the most informal ways to volunteer is through the Brown Bag program. Teachers who could use help with things like cutting, sorting, pasting,... will leave a brown bag in the teacher's workroom with the materials (and instructions) needed to complete a task. Volunteers simply take home a brown bag, complete the task, and return the work to the teacher - great for those who have time to help but can't easily work on campus!


Teachers will let parents know their needs at the start of the school year, but don’t be shy! If you have a talent to offer or can help but have time constraints, let your child’s teacher know. If your child’s class is blessed with many volunteers, consider offering to serve as a Room Rep or volunteer for a class that is short of help.